The bag that I carried (yesterday)

This is the bag that I carried:


This is the lunch that stayed in the bag that I carried:


These are the bagels left over from a meeting that joined the lunch that stayed in the bag that I carried:

pumpernickel, flax & sunflower, wheat, sun-dried tomato

pumpernickel, flax & sunflower, wheat, sun-dried tomato

This is the parent group’s lunch that went into my belly and steered clear of the bagels that joined the lunch that stayed in the bag that I carried:

Inginia prepping ...

Inginia prepping ...

roasted chicken, rice + beans, avocado, apple slices, pb (x2 plates! (but they're mini-plates))

roasted chicken, rice + beans, avocado, apple slices, pb (x2 plates! (but they're mini-plates))

These are the parent group’s apples, browned too soon, that went into the bag, following the lunch that went into my belly and steered clear of the bagels that joined the lunch that stayed in the bag that I carried:


This is the lunch that became a dinner during class at Hunter and left the apples, browned too soon, that went into the bag, following the lunch that went into my belly and steered clear of the bagels that joined the now-empty tupperwares that stayed in the bag that I carried:

greek yogurt + apples + bananas + ginger

greek yogurt + apples + bananas + ginger

kale + date curry

kale + date curry

This is the produce rescued from the lobby of Hunter that filled the empty tupperwares left by the lunch that became a dinner during class and left the apples, browned too soon, that went into the bag, following the lunch that went into my belly and steered clear of the bagels that joined the now-refilled tupperwares that stayed in the bag that I carried:


honeydew melon, grape tomatoes, yellow squash, zucchini, carrots, apple flowers

craaaaaaaaaaaaaaazy, right?

craaaaaaaaaaaaaaazy, right?

Plus this piece of cranberry goat cheese!


So, needless to say, yesterday was a typical day in the life of a professional expander :-). And the bag was heavy. And I am sufficiently stocked with produce for the rest of the week. Additional visual highlights:



rice + beans

rice + beans





This morning, I enjoyed a bowl of gingerbread crockpot oats exactly the same way I did yesterday.

I’ve also repacked the same lunch as yesterday (I only had to replace the orange, the curry, and the yogurt), and we’ll see what happens as the day unfolds!

P.S. Missy at Missy Maintains is giving away Popchips! Check here for details!

12 thoughts on “The bag that I carried (yesterday)

    • Sarah says:

      Healthy Hunter – Aren’t they pretty?! I have no idea how it’s done — they were just left over from a catered food event at my school!


  1. luckytastebuds says:

    you take fabulous photographs of everyday food! Thank you for bringing a new perspective into looking at what I eat!! 🙂 Your blog rocks.


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