With sprinkles on top


Thursday is my wake-up-to-sunlight day, and I love it! I got up at 6:30 this morning so I could enjoy a sunrise run through the park. My motivation faltered significantly when I got outside and felt how cold it was. All my muscles tightened up, and my legs just did not want to move! But I told myself I could run as slow as I wanted and turn around if I needed to, and I ended up doing a whole lap of the park plus a teeny bit extra. It was so gorgeous out there with everything all snow-covered … but it was kind of lost on me because I am ready to see some green! Stats: 4.1 miles, 45 minutes, 342 calories, average heart rate 144, max 169.

I had planned to do the 20-minute Gentle Hatha #1 yogadownload when I got home, but I just didn’t have it in me! I did a few pigeons, dogs, and child’s poses on my own instead.

Breakfast was another cup of pumpkin gingerbread crockpot oats:


With 1/2 cup healthy cream cheese icing, coconut, pumpkin seeds, cumbled graham sticks, cinnamon, and ginger:


And soymilky black tea:


During class, I snacked on 1.5 black bean-salmon patties dipped in 2 tbsp peanut-butter-pumpkin-roasted-red-pepper-hummus:


Don’t judge. It was delicious.

I also ate 2 dates and 2 prunes for snack dessert:


We had advisement after class, so I brought along a full lunch to carry me through, including what I made Tuesday night when I realized how low on produce I was. After rummaging through the depths of my cabinets and freezer, I came up with a can of chickpeas, a box of frozen spinach, and a can of tomato sauce. Seemed like cause for Indian food to me! I quickly threw together this dal with some adjustments (scallions in place of the onions I didn’t have, tomato sauce in place of the tomatoes I didn’t have, cardamom plus every spice in my cabinet in place of the garam masala I didn’t have, sweet potato pieces because I did have them and thought they’d be fun in it) and added in about 3/4 cup cooked brown basmati rice. Here’s today’s one-cup portion:


With my “pumpkin plus” yogurt:


After advisement, Emily, Lisa, and I stayed on to touch base for the group presentation we’re giving next week (about infant adoption, yay!). I was thoroughly drained when it was all said and done and needed some Tasti-D stat:


I got a swirl of dulce de leche and burnt sugar (which, in reality, tasted like fancy names for vanilla and chocolate). But it was still very tasti:


With sprinkles on top, obviously, because what is ice cream without sprinkles?

I’m finally home and contemplating things like dinner and the Fridayness of tomorrow.

What do YOU put on top?

19 thoughts on “With sprinkles on top

  1. Gina Boland says:

    YUM, Tasty D! I can’t wait for warmth…it’s coming this weekend! We might have to go searching for Mr. Softee after Saturday’s lunch! I love sprinkles, too, but hot fudge is my favorite!


  2. foodsthatfit says:

    Hey Lady!

    You are awesome for getting out there and running in this cold. I wimped out and stayed indoors for a spin class. Your crockpot oats look amazing every time you make them, I was even more excited when I saw they were gingerbread!
    Gingerbread is one of my favorite flavors. I bought a bottle of Starbuck’s Sugar Free Gingerbread syrup during the holidays and add it to warm milk or plain yogurt! I didn’t bring my crock-pot with me when we moved from Utah to Maryland (it is in storage) so I am wondering if I could use your same recipe, but bake it at a really low temp??? Have a great day and keep posting your amazing recipes and eats! I love your site!


  3. nutritiousisdelicious says:

    I LOVE ALL KINDS OF ICE CREAM! You can put nothing or everything on top and I’ll eat it! Jason’s Deli has some awesome soft serve! Yum!


  4. Krista says:

    Gingerbread crock pot oats are next on my list!

    That hummus combo certainly sounds interesting!!

    I think I most like cookie crumbs a top my ice cream!! Yours sure did look purdy, though! 🙂


  5. snackface says:

    For your Friday, I am mentally sending you warm weather vibes. It’s been about 60* here and everyone is so much happier! You are phenomenal for still going out in the frigidity to run! And I definitely did not judge the black bean salmon pattie dipped into the p.b.whatnothummus. It sounds delectible. Tasti Dlite! I’ve only had it in Miami, Fla., and I loved it!! I don’t normally get toppings, but I always love a crushed oreo.


  6. Yasmin says:

    Wow that ice cream looks yummy! As a kid, I always had to have M&Ms in my ice cream. I also like to add sliced bananas. Thanks for all your thoughts for my uncle and I hope you have a relaxing night!


  7. Jennifer says:

    The ice cream looks awesome! Love the sprinkles!!

    For my daughters b-day party, I made sugar cookie dough that the girls got to roll out. I had a ton of cookie cutters, and then I baked them, put frosting out, and tons of “accessories” like gumdrops, sprinkles, licorice etc… They loved it. Mine just had those multi colored sprinkles! So good!


  8. dailydulcie says:

    Ah I love TASTY D!!! I am definitely a sprinkle girl all the way, especially rainbow sprinkles 🙂

    Your crockpot oats always look so good. How do make them??! I love stove top oats. How do they compare to stove top?

    I’m a new blogger, but I have been reading your blog for awhile. I love it!


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