Leaf me alone, cake!

You probably don’t realize it yet, but that could be the most clever and witty title I’ve ever created. (Eye roll.)

Somehow, I did not get around to eating lunch until 2pm yesterday! Can you believe it??? No snack either. That crepe was a breakfast powerhouse!


Lunch was a repeat of yesterday’s farm salad, minus the tuna and pesto and plus leftover Indian food brown rice and some Sunkist roasted slivered almonds from the office bag.


And then, some trouble came along! I went out for a little walk with Jessica since I ate lunch at my desk while I worked, and we made some stops. I saw this lone bag of maduro chips in the bodega and accidentally bought it. (It was only 99 cents!)


I guess this is what happens when you suddenly have an income again. You start to buy 99 cent snacks from bodegas. Somebody stop me before I go too far!

Anyway, I shared the chips with the office, and Jessica shared her grapes with me:


Things grew significantly more worrisome when these appeared on the conference room table:


Seriously, whose idea was it to sit me right next to this effing table?!!!!!


I started with those two small pieces (one of each, of course), but you know it didn’t end there. I probably went back to the table five or six more times! Somewhere along the way, this happened:


Because I obviously had to slather the chocolate-drizzled banana crunch cake with peanut butter and make it into a sandwich.


I did manage to sneak some more green in before the day was through, however. One of the moms I visit came by the agency to pick up a diaper donation, and her four-year-old son brought me this beautiful gift he had hand-picked from the sidewalk right outside the building:


Sigh, what would we do without leaves?!

From there, I left work in the torrential rain because I had some very special dinner plans that require their own post. I will leave you with this hint!

Which played a bigger part in your day yesterday: greens or cake?

19 thoughts on “Leaf me alone, cake!

  1. insideiamdancing says:

    ah, banana cake with PB sounds amazing. I am still dreaming of making a banana bread fluffernutter after your post a few days ago!

    My diet is seriously lacking in cake these days and I am going through insane amounts of spinach- definitely think I need to bring that back into balance! More cake, less spinach = happy me 😀


  2. Anne K. says:

    Mmmm that banana cake looks delicious! I love that you made it into a pb sandwich.

    Haha I love the leaf present. I’d have to say that greens definitely played a big part in my day yesterday. I do love my salads! 😀


  3. Christina says:

    Mm at least they were fruit chips. I love plantains!!! Greens played a bigger part in my day yesterday because I just went food shopping and have tons of produce 🙂 I wish I had some cake though..


  4. Hallie says:

    Cake was a part of my weekend (brother’s graduation…can’t resist a Costco cake!) but unfortunately, yesterday was more about greens. I had to take one for the team and eat up our CSA chard because my BF won’t touch the stuff, and I can’t let any food go to waste 🙂


  5. Ashley says:

    I love the cake sandwhich! Fantastic. And I ate a whole bag of banana chips the other day – i forgot how amazingly yummy and crunchy they are 🙂 So far, I’ve had more greens than cake in my day (but that’s because it’s 10am and I’ve only had my spinach oats for breakfast!)


  6. laura says:

    inundated with greens for sure I have:
    red russian kale
    blue kale
    curly kale
    nero kale
    butter lettuce
    bokchoy 2 kinds
    black seeded simpson lettuce
    mesclun mix
    and swiss chard but it’s not ready yet 🙂 Thank God!

    and only 1 cake 😦 Rhubarb Farm Cake


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