
I had more prune groatmeal for breakfast this morning, but I switched things up on the flax oat bran side by mixing in 1 tbsp unsweetened cocoa powder and 2 tbsp PB2:


I sprinkled some of the dry PB2 on top and then sprinkled hot water over that to enhance the peanut-flavor prominence. I find that PB2 often gets lost when I mix it in. If you look closely, you can see a bit of marbling from this highly intricate procedure:


If you haven’t caught on already, I surrounded the oats with a ring of fruit salad and topped it all with unsweetened coconut:


I had my glass of water and some soymilky almond sunset/black tea on the side:


There was also some gymming somewhere in there: 20 mins on the Stepmill, hip abductor/adductor, glutes, and chest on the cybex, 15 minutes elliptical, stretching/abs, jogs there and back. Stats: 1 hour and 18 minutes, 519 calories, 133 average heart rate, 176 max.

I had a meeting all morning at work, so I was starving when it ended at 11. Myrna came over to donate the rest of her breakfast sandwich from McDonald’s since she couldn’t finish it. I had a couple teeny bites of sausage and then put the rest away for later:


As my official healthy snack, I brought out a cup of pumpkin pie flax pudding:


Shortly thereafter, some Reese’s pieces appeared on the fateful conference room table:


I think Myrna was the culprit? Either way, I had four small handfuls:



I had back-to-back visits planned that would keep me out of the office from 12:30 to 3:30, so I ate lunch at noon even though I wasn’t quite hungry yet. Lunch was made of leftovers and scraps, as usual.


In class on Monday night, Lisa gave me a big slice of multi-grain bread that she had left over from her Hale & Hearty soup. I sliced the bread in half “the long way” to make two thinner slices of equal surface area. I started with one slice and topped it with leftover smoked salmon salad from last night’s Eggland’s Best event:


I finished it with time to spare, and it was even more delicious than anticipated, so I ate the other half right then as well:


(Side note: For more useful egg facts, check out Missy’s recap of last night!)

Followed by a mint to address the salmon-breath:


When I got back from my visit at 3:30, I found a note from Deborah waiting for me at my desk: “Sarah, I have food left from lunch on my desk. You can come take.” Music to my ears, especially since Deborah had been waxing poetic about her mom’s stewed turkey during the morning meeting! I went to Deborah’s desk and helped myself to a bite of turkey with some of the accompanying rice and beans:


I also had another mint and this pineapple candy:


And I broke out my fruit somewhere in the 4:00 hour. An orange and fruit salad (which now includes the fruit salad I saved from the EB event last night):


I’m actually hungry for dinner tonight, so that should be coming along soon. And thanks for all the eggciting (I promise I’ll stop with the eggsaggerated “egg” usage soon — it’s so addictive) egg recipes. I can’t wait to get started 🙂

Pieces or cups? I prefer cups, but I obviously don’t discriminate against pieces!

20 thoughts on “Pieces

  1. angiesappetite says:

    Love your day of eating…how fun! I truly love the randomness and variety! And- I definitely prefer pieces—-nothing against the cups!


  2. Alison says:

    Love the candy pics. The close ups look really nice. Reese’s Pieces are very yummy, although I prefer the PB Cups. I prefer M&Ms over R. Pieces. But I certainly won’t turn them down!


  3. eatinnyc says:

    Your new header is AMAZING. If I had a good pic of me eating bacon? I would be ALL OVER that header. SO jealous. Come to the West Village, we’ll grab some murray’s whole wheat everything bagels (aka heaven on earth) and throw some lox on those puppies! lox = ridic


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