Food vs. men

Well, Thursday was kind of the opposite of Wednesday in terms of ideal-ness. This nonstop rain has put everyone in such a funk! But, no need to dwell on Thursday (since today is Friday, yay!!), so we’re just going to go featured contributions style. And the contributions began bright and early yesterday morning when Lillian offered me a ginger almondine cookie.


I enjoyed dipping it in my yerba mate immensely, so I had two more ๐Ÿ™‚

Then, Inginia offered me a few blueberries, and those were lovely paired with the office almonds (and followed by several more scoops of almonds straight):


Lunch was a return of Olivia‘s soup and a piece of her this-is-what-heaven-tastes-like crostini.


Among other things, I supplemented the soup with the last bit of all my coworkers’ sancocho, a Dominican soup with everything under the sun, including plantains, sweet potato, and big giant hunks of yucca:


A butter cookie from Beryl:


(Plus a bite of unpictured oatmeal raisin cookie from Lawrence)

This arrived for Nydia from a secret admirer:


But Nydia wasn’t at work yesterday, so I couldn’t eat all her fruit. Instead, I ate too much candy from Belkis’ candy jar (way more than pictured):


But I made up for it when I ate a banana in class that also came from Belkis ๐Ÿ™‚

Oh! One more quick little thing. I didn’t finish my soymilked yerba mate yesterday, so I left it in the fridge overnight. Once again, the vibrant color this morning astounded me!


Even though it’s happened before, seeing this color first thing still makes me so happy ๐Ÿ˜€

Oh, I lied. One more thing AGAIN! My friend (and occasional guest poster) Gina caught up on all my posts from the past week yesterday, and I had to share this one comment she left about a chat she had with Chris, her husband, regarding my first CSA pickup:

OMG, Chris just made me laugh so hard, I cried and it was in reference to your blog! I said, โ€œI need to go read about Sarahโ€™s CSA pickupโ€ in an excited tone. So Chris said, โ€œWhat is that, like, a man?โ€ LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL! It was probably funnier to me, but still, I guess b/c I was all excited about reading about your โ€œpickupโ€, he thought I was talking about a guy! HAHAHAHA! Little does he know we get much more excited reading/talking about food!

Hahaha, Gina, that is hilarious!! Thanks for sharing ๐Ÿ˜› In a food vs. men competition, who would win?

25 thoughts on “Food vs. men

  1. Madison says:

    sheesh…food vs men? That is a hard question, girl! I mean, if the man is my dad–I would choose him because he is my knight in shining armor (can you tell I am a daddy’s girl)! But if it were a b/f I had just been dating a couple weeks, pshhh it’s food all the waaaaaay! haha

    I know you commented on my latest volunteer project a couple of days ago, I updated my blog with more details, so check it out, please!

    Love that yummy looking tea with milk, I need to try that.


  2. Gina says:

    I think about that question a lot. When Nick gets home at night (around 10 pm) I get realllllly excited, but not necessarily because he’s home, instead it’s because that means I can eat my ice cream!!! We always eat a bit of ice cream late at night when he gets home. So, I guess food wins ๐Ÿ™‚ Of course, I don’t tell him that.


  3. marie says:

    Depends on the man and the food! My DH would win over any food, but if we’re not talking about him it gets tricky. . .

    Now, if you want to talk ideal, that would be my DH bearing food–as in breakfast in bed. ๐Ÿ˜‰ THAT would be perfect!


  4. insideiamdancing says:

    loving the colour of your yerba mate!

    Hmm…at this point? Food excites me more than men. Maybe I am just getting old. Or maybe I am just hungry ๐Ÿ˜› a man with the same interest in food would be awesome, but most of the guys I know/see a lot prefer talking sports than taking trips to wholefoods or restaurants!


  5. Gina Boland says:

    Haha, glad my comment made the blog b/c it was hilarious! Well I obviously must pick my husband over food, but food is a close second ๐Ÿ˜‰


  6. Lara (Thinspired) says:

    Haha…the title of this post got my attneion right away!

    Hmmm…maybe it’s that I am no longer a newlywed, but food can win me over any day ๐Ÿ™‚ Of course, food WITH my favorite man is the best of both worlds!


  7. Anne K. says:

    Haha, that CSA pickup comment is hilarious. Hmm, food versus men? Tricky! I’ll go with food, but I’m with Kate– a man that cooks well is ideal ๐Ÿ˜€


  8. homegirlcaneat says:

    ahahahahaha I love that comment!! That is hard….food right now is dominating but maybe because the recession is hiding all the men. So right now, Trader Joe is my main man!


  9. Amy @ What Do I Eat Now? says:

    hmmmm food vs. men? i cant have one without the other.. if i dont feed the man he wont have me.. lol therefore- i must prepare the food before he comes out to play! so dirty i know!

    do your co-workers give you food just to see it up on the blog? so cool!! i wish mine did that!


  10. luckytastebuds says:

    hahah well….i think food tastes better when you share it with someone you love, so if it happens to be a man, i believe the two are co-dependent!!! But of course if the man is not loveable, then FOOD wins hands down, no questions asked. hahahah

    dear…that color…to be honest freaks me out! ๐Ÿ˜› I’m glad it makes u so excited though! hahah you’re funny.


  11. Sweetie Pie says:

    Hee hee! Maybe it is because I’m sadly single that I’d pick food.

    Better yet, here’s a practical reason: I can technically live without a man, but I would die without food. My survival instinct says FOOD!!

    Have a great weekend! ๐Ÿ™‚


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