Speaking of events …

Over the past monthish, I have had the lucky opportunity to devour three (actually, probably more that I did not document) very delicious meals that cost me absolutely no money and no prep time.

The first meal took place at my agency’s annual mission retreat. We spent a whole day reflecting on the mission of our work and, of course, eating. Here’s the line for lunch:


And the buffet:


I loaded up with a big salad and a veggie burrito:


That only looks like only half a burrito, but don’t worry — I went back for the second half. And more salad. And more salad. And more salad.

Near the end of the day, dessert made its appearance. Tres leches cake and fruit salad:


Munchy munchy munchy:


I had lots of fruit and two small plates of milk-drenched cake crumbs like so:


Any work event that ends in cake passes the test in my book 😀

Event #2 took place July 4th weekend up in Massachusetts, where I was for Penno’s (ok, she is not Penno anymore, but that is what I will keep calling her!) wedding.

Rehearsal dinner involved a set 3-course menu at Skipjack’s in the new Patriot Place (a fake world constructed around Foxboro/Gilette/Patriot Stadium full of endless ways to spend money):


All fakeness aside, though, I loved my strawberry daiquiri!


And my arugula salad with goat cheese and grapefruit:


I ordered the salad instead of the lobster bisque (because, hi, I was planning to fit into my bridesmaid dress!) but I had a spoon of the bisque, and it was delish:


Erik ordered the Gingered Sea Bass for his entree …


Some others at the table ordered the Fresh Maine Crab Cakes:


But I ordered the obvious winner (not evident in this photo, unfortunately, grrrrrrrrr blurriness): Wasabi-Crusted Salmon!


Dessert was a very refreshing Mango Sorbet with Raspberry Coulis:


Along with many many bites of Ting’s Warm Chocolate Bundt Cake:


There was, of course, even more food involved in Penno’s actual wedding, but we will discuss that at a later date!

In the final event of this post, Erik and I went over to my dad’s house the morning after the rehearsal dinner for a lovely outdoor brunch:


My dad and Rae Ann had put together a beautiful feast!


Turkey sausages, freshly charred on the grill:


Fruit salad dressed with key lime yogurt:


Quiche Lorraine (?? I cannot keep track of all these silly quiche names):


… plus a banana walnut muffin and herby tomatoes:


It was the perfect rehearsal dinner recovery brunch … and the perfect brunch in general. Erik and I had a lovely time relaxing and eating and listening to music and chatting with my dad and RA for the rest of the morning until it was time to dive back into some more wedding action 🙂 Stay tuned for the report …

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