Making the cut

P.S. I forgot to mention that I ate this garlic knot from Jessica sometime between the mangu and the cake earlier today . Isn’t it breathtakingly beautiful, though?


OK, onto the main attraction! I met Vani and Emily for dinner tonight at ‘sNice, a vegetarian cafe here in the Slope. I recognized these girls right away from their blogs (well, ok, I had also already met Vani once before for our tea swap):


(Vani is on the left; Emily is on the right.)

The menu was amazing — so many options! It took us at least 10 minutes to decide what to get. I finally ordered the quinoa salad with corn, black beans, tortilla strips, and avocado dressing:


It was sooooo good!! Look at the exciting whole grain deliciousness:


As if the waitress didn’t think we were already weird enough with our cameras, we also each asked for doggie bags up front. After my cake-fest this afternoon, I wasn’t playing! I immediately halved the salad and put some in a box to bring home. Here’s the other half that I drizzled with the avocado dressing (fyi, I usually prefer my salads dry, but this dressing was sooooo avocado-y and really made the salad):


Did I just say I wasn’t playing? Yeah, that lasted until Vani broke out a bag of Jordan almonds. I think she had 5. I had the rest (I’m estimating 23?). So it appears that making the cut only works for some things (like salad and not like Jordan almonds):


Here’s the last almond. I photographed it as a sign of respect at Vani’s suggestion before I made it disappear.


Thank goodness I have my 8-mile run planned for tomorrow with Kate! (cue inner groan)

Anyway, it was so fun to see (and eat with!) these ladies in person. I loved hearing about their lives and how they ended up in Brooklyn, what they do now, what their future plans are, and more. We’ll have to do it again soon!

Yay for new blog friends 😀

I got home and packed away the leftovers, ate a million conversation hearts, and now am so going to disappear under the covers forever with my earplugs and eye mask. I hope these new bedtime accessories do the trick! Can you sleep through morning sun, or do you wake up at the first hint of light?

13 thoughts on “Making the cut

  1. carolinebee says:

    what a fun dinner! That dressing looks bomb, i bet we could master something similar with the handy dandy food processor..?? I have similar light issues, but my window shades/blinds help mucho..good luck woman!


  2. HangryPants says:

    Please explain more about the doggy bag. I read that allll the time in magazines, but have never done it or seen anyone do it. I am mucho impressed and intrigued.

    Did you see that Melissa at Fitness NYC is planning a meet up in March? Let me know if you’re interested.


  3. snackface says:

    What a fun dinner! That salad looks killer. I’m so excited to see how the earplugs and sleep mask work for you! I already have my earplugs in and sleepmask ready, lol. Good luck with the run tomorrow!


  4. foodsthatfit says:

    Wow, the food at that restaurant looks great! I have the hardest time sleeping once the sun comes up, not good b/c I work night shift!


  5. biz319 says:

    Sounds like a great night!! I love all things avocado – that dressing sounds amazing!

    We have to have a complete dark room, otherwise we both get up. I have a black curtain so our room is 100% pitch black!


  6. brandi says:

    dinner looks so fun!

    i usually wake up once the light is coming in the windows. it was actually nice to actually still be in bed this morning when the light was coming in! it hasn’t happened in a while 🙂


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