
But not the kind of cakes I usually fall prey to at work, thank goodness!

Mid-morning snack was more “yogurt of the week,” aka fresh pumpkin yogurt with every fruit/spice under the sun and golean crunch:


Really one of the most delicious combos in the world. Anything with yogurt and golean crunch (especially when it’s had the chance to get soggy) takes the cake, HA.

And then came the real cakes! Three (yes, three — need to get my apple in somehow!) Sweet ‘n’ Spicy Black Bean-Salmon Patties:


Lunch was super short on fresh produce since I have none in the house (since I basically decided I didn’t need to grocery shop over the weekend and did not adequately think through the week!), but my coworkers helped me out as usual. In addition to my wrinkly roommate grape tomatoes, I also ate the tomato slice from Myrna’s sandiwich and some of Belkis’ steamed veggies:


Dessert was a special treat from the tissue box! A dark chocolate caramel Ghirardelli Square from Rosalie:


And then, throughout the afternoon, I stumbled upon dessert numbers 2 through 5 because Belkis refilled her candy jar and I took a candy with me for moral support each time I needed to leave my desk and/or brave the artic chill outside:


(Don’t be fooled by the mini-pictures. Those are some sizable candies!)

Mid-afternoon snack was another desperate attempt for produce/protein. I had 3 Kavli crispy thin crackers (in pieces) with a combo of pumpkin, roasted red pepper hummus, and peanut butter that I whipped together from the ends of containers last night (there are about 2 tbsp in that little cup):


And a later mid-afternoon snack (or another throughout-the-day snack, as it turned out) of toasted pumpkin seeds, two dates, and two prunes


Which I followed with a little spoonful (maybe 1/2 tbsp) of office peanut butter (aka crunchy skippy):


I don’t know what the deal was today — I was so munchy! My lunch didn’t do its job, and I don’t have all the produce on hand for snacking like I usually do. What was I thinking?? I don’t have time to go to the store, so I’ll have to scrounge around for something extra tonight.

My final snack of the work day was this 100 calorie candy pack that’s also been hiding in my tissue box:


I was excited about this pack because Oreos (or any cream-filled sandwich cookie, really) are my favorite type of cookie. But while these candies were filled with that unique chocolate-cookie crunch, the most critical component of the cookie was missing: the cream!! Serious oversight on the part of the 100 calorie people. If that chocolate coating is supposed to stand in for the cream, it does a poor, poor job of it. An Oreo is not an Oreo without the cream.

When I got home, I started rummaging through all my emergency “shelf-stable” food to see what I could rustle up as a lunch supplement for the rest of the week. I’m excited about what I made … but you’ll have to wait until tomorrow for the debut ;-).

Dinner was the last of my asparagus, steamed, with a piece of baked sweet potato and a toasted morningstar farms Asian veggie pattie (and a sprinkle of my homemade parmesan of course):


Mmmmm, love those patties!

Dessert was a return of my favorite combo: 2/3 cup golean crunch (the rest of the box) mixed with 1/2 cup of yogurt. I let it sit and “marinate” while I cooked the lunch food and dinner, so it was perfectly tender when I finally got around to it:


Ahhhhhh, so good! I could eat Kashi GoLean Crunch for every meal and still be such a happy camper.

Is there a food that you can imagine eating at every meal without getting bored?

15 thoughts on “Patty-cake

  1. Melinda says:

    hummus, pb, and pumpkin?? genius!

    I LOVE 2% fage. I could eat it for days. same with kashi golean crunch, actually (the honey almond flax kind is awesome!) Fage+kashi+honey= best combo evahhh.


  2. Vani says:

    I’m running short on produce too — gotta get creative! you’re doing an awesome job!

    I think I could definitely have dark chocolate with every meal!


  3. Hangry Pants says:

    I think I could eat oatmeal in various forms throughout the day and be fine with that.

    You have awesome scrounging skills!

    Did we talk about the NY meet up yet? Are you going on the 22nd?


  4. snackface says:

    Haha I love that you said the GoLean Crunch wsa marinating. Gigglefit. Anywhoo. So far I don’t see myself getting burnt out on sweet pots, butternut squash and CEREAL with soy/almond milk.


  5. Sweetie Pie says:

    Oatmeal in a variety of forms, oh, and peanut butter too. I couldn’t agree more about both of those things. I also love cheese so much that I would probably never be sick of it, especially since there are so many different kinds!

    Those patties are awesome! I’m going to try that recipe out soon!


  6. Krista says:

    I’d have to choose a food group that I couldn’t live with out at each meal…..produce!

    You have a post full of wonderful eats and treats today, my dear!! 🙂


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