Making the call

After spending Saturday night tossing and turning in tummy agony, I finally fell asleep for a couple of hours and woke up feeling somewhat refreshed on Sunday morning. After a giant stomach-calming mug of peppermint tea, I toasted half of a freezer bagel and had some with peanut butter and some with Olga‘s apricot jam:


I love this jam!


Enormous apricot alert:


As sad as I was to miss all of my friends’ festivities on Saturday, my paper productivity made it worth it. I felt so much more capable of finishing it after I got all the research out of the way. Sunday’s task was simply to write and write and write and write and write.

When I needed a break, I went to the freezer and found some rhubarb-blueberry compote that my mom must have sent home with me after a MA visit at some point in the last four years. I melted it in a saucepan with a little bit of water, 8 watermelon ice cubes, and 2 chopped dates (the additions were necessary to eliminate the freezer taste) and had a few spoonfuls straight out of the pot:


My mom’s rhubarb compote was always one of the hallmarks of spring/summer growing up, so I was glad to have little taste of it.

I went back to writing writing writing until I got hungry … or at least I think I was hungry! My stomach had started to feel angry again, like I was about to spend the rest of the day with my head hanging over a bowl, yet nothing was happening. I toasted half of an everything bagel from the freezer, globbed on some of Diana‘s hummus, and topped it with cucumbers:


Mmmmm, I haven’t had a bagel with hummus and cucumbers in forever. This hit the [somewhat uncomfortable] spot:


On the side, I had my CSA salad of the week:


And, for dessert, a ramekin of yogurt with more rhubarb-blueberry compote:


After lunch, I arranged myself in bed with my laptop and my paper research since sitting upright was growing increasing painful for my belly. When I needed a break a couple hours later, I decided homemade bubble tea was in order, courtesy of Elisabeth‘s colorful tapioca balls:


Aren’t they the most beautiful things you’ve ever seen?


I also snagged a little spoonful of date bliss:


And it was back to the paper! Ayyyy this paper. It was only supposed to be 8-10 pages, but I was not even 1/3 of the way through, and it was already up to 6! I started to panic and took a lunch-prep break. I didn’t have time this weekend to get to the store for milk so that I could make yogurt, so I decided to revisit my flax pudding instead. I used Mr. Coffee to grind 1/4 cup of whole flax seeds and then mixed them with 2 cups of jasmine iced tea, 1 chopped date, and cinnamon. I brought the whole mix to a boil and then moved it to the fridge to cool and set. When it was fully chilled, I blended in my last 1/2 cup of yogurt. It was still a bit loose for my liking, so I also added 1/4 cup extra thick rolled oats to help thicken things up:


I divided the pudding into my three little tupperwares and topped each with blueberries, CSA blackberries, chopped CSA plum, and hemp seeds:


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. There is nothing more photogenic than fruit!


I went back to the paper for some more self-torture (going to grad school was a voluntary decision, right??) and then broke for dinner around 6: the other half of that Kashi Mayan Harvest Bake bulked up with about 1/2 cup extra black beans:


Seriously, sooooo good! Hands down the best frozen meal I have ever eaten.


Dessert was about 1/4 cup of cinnamon oatmeal raisin cookie gelato (still sooooooo worth the purchase) with some more fruit compote.


This was a brilliant combo! The blueberries and cinnamon were a match made in heaven.


I went back to work on the paper after dessert, and my stomach started to feel worse, a frustrating development since I had been hoping to start feeling better all day long. I started to panic that maybe I had become lactose intolerant overnight. Nooooooooooo!!!! I calmed myself with an authentic Sicilian marzipan strawberry (??) from Wife and Ted:


I paaaaaaaaainfully struggled through the rest of my paper (I hope the prof doesn’t mind that my 8-10 page paper is actually 15 pages???!!!) and then gleefully (if not entirely comfortably) celebrated with an UliMana chia moon drop chocolate:


This raw chocolate delight was a lovely way to conclude the homework portion of my summer sessions, mmmmmmmmm:


(I’ll be turning in the paper and having my last class (for two weeks) tonight, woooooooooooooooooooooooot :-P)

Despite the emotional high of finishing my paper, I felt absolutely miserable physically and, once again, threw myself into bed at 8:45 pm. I was in such agony all night!! I kid you not — I did not fall asleep until 4:47 am. Thank goodness I had the foresight to reset my alarm from 5am to 6am when it became clear that a morning gym session was not in the cards. When my alarm went off at 6, I thought I felt better and got out of bed to get ready for work. The nausea immediately came rushing back, and I had to call in sick and go back to bed. Ughh, I hate having to take sick days — I’m always worried that I’m getting worked up over nothing, but I just felt SO uncomfortable and knew I would be useless trying to be help families while I was so exhausted and pained!

How do you know when a sick day is in order?

17 thoughts on “Making the call

  1. Gina says:

    Oh ugh, that’s the wrost thing in the world, sitting in bed when you FEEL tired, but then not being able to fall asleep for hours, what a pain! I would call in sick if I had only had 1-3 hours of sleep. In that case I wouldn’t be efficient at work anyway, so I may as well not be there.

    The flax pudding looks so yum! I love the combination you’ve created. The tapioca balls and marzipan also look delicious, how fun!


  2. Krista says:

    Sorry to hear you’re feeling unwell! I have to be feeling pretty darn rotten to call in sick at work. The type of work I do is very time sensitive so I kinda got to be there.


  3. Elisabeth says:

    I hope that your belly starts to cooperate!

    I’m very glad that you’re enjoying the tapioca balls! They are very pretty, and I also loved the fact that they cooked in only 5 minutes!


  4. redheadyellowdog says:

    oh how timely this post is! As I type I am sitting in my cubicle surrounded by saltines, pepto bismol and diet sprite (never drink soda but i was desperate!!). ughhh the nausea!! I have no clue what’s wrong?! it’s been going on since yesterday and i barely slept last night. my goal is to make it until 1 pm and then go home and die…I mean get into bed.

    let’s hope we both get over this!!!


  5. Diana (Soap & Chocolate) says:

    EEK, hope you feel better soon, dear!

    Catching up on your last several posts, I have too many comments to remember BUT I can only come to the conclusion that your immersion blender gets a serious workout in your kitchen! Oh and the gelato was DEFINITELY a necessary purchase. Cinnamon ice cream is one of the least-known wonders of this world (Ben and Jerry’s oatmeal cookie chunk is one of the most amazing flavors EVERRRR) and Eleni’s makes a decent cookie as well. Way to go local!

    Hope you’re recovering quickly… 😦


  6. prettyladycmu says:

    Sick days are so lousy, but I try to think of them as a chance to regroup and rest up a bit. Unplug your alarm, your computer, your phone, the works! Get lots of rest, take a nice walk to get some sun and look forward to feeling better soon.

    Btw, your meals in this post look fantastic!!!


  7. Danielle says:

    That fruit looks fantastic!
    As does all you food.
    I’m sorry you’re not feeling well, I would say getting less then 4 hours sleep because you weren’t feeling good is grounds for a sick day! I hope you feel better today!


  8. Hallie says:

    Aw sorry you’re not feeling well! For me a sick day is needed when I either don’t want to get coworkers sick with whatever I’ve got, or if I feel so yucky that I know I wouldn’t get anything productive done. But, sometimes we all need a “sick…of work” day to keep our sanity or recover from a fun weekend πŸ™‚


  9. Madison says:

    Aw, sweets. I am soooo sorry about the lack of sleep! I was in that boat last week and it is miserable! I have elimianted caffeine this week, been drinking yogi bedtime tea before bed, and take 2 melatonin about 30 mins before i want to fall asleep. You might want to try that–it helped me a lot!


  10. Alison says:

    I’m sorry you weren’t feeling good. That’s no fun. Lack of sleep can do awful things to you.

    Everyone seems to be trying the Kashi Mayan Harvest Bake. I’m really tempted now.


  11. verbalriot says:

    😦 So sorry that you’re feeling sick!!! I’m glad you finished the paper but the fact that you didn’t fall asleep until 4 a.m. is horrible! I hope you’re feeling better soon ❀

    I'm glad you liked the apricot jam. I hope it aids in nursing you back to health πŸ™‚

    Honestly, I still can't tell when it's time for a sick day…I once went to class with a 104 fever, so I'm not the best person to answer that question! I'm glad you called in and took off from work. The faster you're feeling better, the more people you can help!


  12. carolinebee says:

    Ahhhh your paper-writing agony is giving me awful college flashbacks!!! I’m kind of grateful i’m going back for NURSING which means no papers! I remember writing huuuuuge papers for my history classes…and only taking breaks to eat- aka breaking every 15 minutes to eat πŸ˜€ I would feel so awful and sick to my stomach, mostly bc i would procrastinate so much that I would be sick over the fact that I’d have to stay up allll night to finish! So congrats on powering thru!!! πŸ˜€


  13. janetha says:

    wow sarah that apricot jam is mouth watering! i love that you put in on a bagel, great vehicle for jam!

    the cinnamon gelato is calling out my name again..

    sick day? only if it snowed 8 or more inches πŸ˜‰


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