Dinner in phases

My meal schedule tends to evolve based on when and where I come into contact with food! While walking home from the subway station yesterday afternoon around 3:30, for example, I stopped into Union Market (purely for the samples, of course) and came upon dinner part 1, which I brought home and arranged prettily on a plate with decaf soymilky sweet coconut thai chai:


Findings included the sampler cup of antipasti, cheddar chunks on baby toast squares (I actually had 3 of these), and 3 cookies:


The cookies deserve a closer look:


Sandwich cookies are my favorite!

I also had a package waiting for me when I got home. (Is there anything as satisfying as interesting mail?) It was the Country Bob’s sauce I won from Allison at Green Dog Wine:


I have big plans for this sauce and a block of tofu. Just wait!

Dinner part 2 was 3/4 cup of the delicious soup that my coworker Nitza made for me along with my last 3 slices of kale-crust pizza (:-( so sad to see it go):


Hearty chunks of health:


Kale-crust pizza, I hope we meet again soon:


Dinner part 3 happened a couple hours later and was inspired by Heather who was inspired by Sarah to make peanut butter frozen yogurt. I followed Sarah’s procedure with 1/2 cup yogurt, 1 tsp peanut butter, and a drop of vanilla. But I couldn’t stop, so I also mixed in 1/3 mashed banana, 1 tsp unsweetened cocoa powder, and sprinkle of cinnamon and cardamom. I froze it for 20 minutes, stirred, and froze it for 20 more. Voila!


I considered sprinkling chocolate pieces over the top but decided against it in light of my cookie spree earlier in the afternoon. I had more fruit salad (also with cinnamon and cardamom) on the side instead:


Perfect way to end the night!

Also, congrats to Lindsay at For the Love of Oats on her one-year blogiversary!! To celebrate, she has some pretty exciting (and lucrative!) contests lined up, so go check it out!

I’ll be back after work with today’s food … followed by a serious movement to catch up on sleep!

Do you prefer to eat all at once or in pieces?

12 thoughts on “Dinner in phases

  1. Becca A says:

    I like to stretch out eating as long as I can with various components. Basically because I like to eat and that keeps me from randomly snacking just to have something in my mouth.

    Mmm cookies


  2. Heather Eats Almond Butter says:

    Loved your frozen yogurt additions! I’ve got some pumpkin ice-cream in the freezer right now. We’ll see how it turns out.

    Still gotta make that Kale crust pizza – I love it.

    I like big meals all at once followed by a little something sweet. πŸ™‚


  3. verbalriot says:

    what?! I’m making that frozen peanut butter goodness ASAP.

    I love to eat in parts! It makes it last longer. the more parts to my meal, the happier of a camper I am! Your eats look delicious, as always!


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