Brief interruption

Ahhh, there’s never enough time! I’m working furiously to get a midterm paper taken care of today so that I can enjoy the NYC blogger brunch with a clear conscience tomorrow. I have a feeling I may be up all night …

Onto the food! Breakfast, 10:30 am:


On the left is an oatmeal combo of sorts. I stovetopped 1/4 cup old-fashioned oats with a small chopped apple, the usual spices, and 1/2 cup water. Then, I mixed the oats with 1/3 cup plain yogurt and a little dollop of lemon curd. On top went more lemon curd, a ring of chopped strawberries, and 2 crumbled basil-spice meringue kisses.


On the right is a little 1/4 cup pile of mango surrounded by a starfish (so I can pretend I’m on the beach) of soy-lime coco loco tofu (the last of it) spread with 1 tbsp cinnamon-cayenne peanut butter and topped with more toasty coconut pieces.


At some point late morning, I got up to make more tea and got sidetracked chopping all of my fancy fruit into an enormous fruit salad. Hmmmm, procrastinate much? I made a little snack plate of the pineapple core and the mango pit (with some homemade almond-cashew butter in the background).


Lunch was a group effort.


This salad was a mix of work contributions — from Inginia: greens, cranberries, roasted peppers, apple slices, roast chicken, garlic & lemon juice dressing; from Nydia: greens and corn; from the food pantry’s overflow: fresh spinach; from me: strawberries, goat cheese, toasted cashews, s&p.




I’m still feeling munchy, so I bet lunch part 2 is just around the corner.

A couple things worth mentioning before I re-enter serious productivity mode (does that even exist?):

1. Danielle at A Year of Healthy Eating has presented me with my first-ever blogger award:

ewardDanielle was actually my first non-family/friend commentor on the blog back in January, and I’ve been hooked reading hers ever since because I love her honest and realistic approach to health. Thanks, Danielle!

In the spirit of community, I am going to pass this award onto two other bloggers who brighten my days!Β  Diana at Soap & Chocolate usually gets me laughing out loud, but my laugh was louder than average today when she amped up one of my oatmeal methods and renamed itΒ  “Apple Aneurysm Baked Oatmeal.” And at the other end of the spectrum, Vani at Fit for Free consistently challenges me to reflect on my food-related behaviors with her thought-provoking and sincere posts. Thanks, ladies!

2. Mo Diva has let loose a torrent of peanut butter madness at Food Snob. Check it out!

OK, back to the midterm paper race against the clock! Who will win?? And do you ever spend hours working on something and then realize you haven’t gotten very far at all?

12 thoughts on “Brief interruption

  1. Lindsay says:

    I’ve been reading your blog for about a month now (totally lurking!), and because of the new presence of lemon curd on your blog, I was inspired to pick some up at Trader Joe’s yesterday… and oh. my. goodness! It was AMAZING in yogurt with some chopped pecans!

    Thanks for inspiring me (and other lurkers, I’m sure!) to try some new things!


  2. Yasmin says:

    I feel like that all the time when working on assignments! I put in so many hours and feel like nothing gets accomplished! Yikes! We need more hours in the day..


  3. snackface says:

    Ahhh! I’m sorry! I just awarded you the same award. Shoot. Well, you’re loved. Anyway, yes, I do spend hours on things when I think I should have made more progress by that time. You’ll get it finished…eventually. Haha, no, I find that sometimes you just have to get into the groove of the paper and eventually it just flows. GOOD LUCK and I hope you don’t stay up all night! Enjoy the brunch tomorrow πŸ™‚


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