
As in trash. Not as in I won’t do it. Today is trash day in my neighborhood. On the way to the gym, I passed a giant rat and a toilet. Awesome.

I did arms on the step and the StairMaster at the gym. Stats: 1 hour, 7 mins; 424 calories, 131 average hr, 177 maximum.


For breakfast, I had my first serving of the pumpkin pie crockpot oats I made yesterday, along with the vanilla creme tea from Vani and soymilk:


I topped the oats with 1/2 cup yogurt, 2 crumbled graham sticks, 1 crumbled Earl Grey Biscotti Bite, cinnamon, and nutmeg:


I’ve got class tonight after work, so it’s going to be another looong day. I’ll be back at the end of it with a full report!

10 thoughts on “Refuse

  1. foodsthatfit says:

    I just printed out your recipe for the Crockpot oats! Did you come up with that on your own? If so you are a genius! It seems so simple and so good! Thank you!



  2. Alison says:

    Well, at least your oats were more appetizing than the walk to the gym!

    Also, I didn’t realize you were going to school for social work! That’s on my “agenda” when we get home! Do you mind me asking what your focus is?


  3. EatingRD says:

    that looks amazing! I love nice and thick oats, I’ll have to try this one. Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving a comment. I sure try to find other ways with leftovers as much as I can to stretch the food dollar even more these days 🙂



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